Tadpole's Outdoor Blog

June 30, 2011

raking the beach using the latest technology

Filed under: Misc — Freddie Keel @ 10:43 am


June 29, 2011

more sea turtles

more big mamma turtles are coming ashore to lay their eggs.

a couple nights ago, these are a few of their tracks.




they try to get farther inland, but they can not negotiate this two foot bank

in this case, she dug a large hole at the edge bank


the turtle patrol collects many of the turtle eggs and buries them in this sanctuary


at first glance, you might think it is a cemetery


Each batch of eggs have a marker.

Number of batches collected, Date collected, military time collected, Specie

Number of eggs collected, Size  of Turtle and location


Interesting info from the 54 signs:

Earliest collection = May 14, 2011

Most eggs collected from one momma = 171

Least amount of eggs collected from one momma = 25

Over half of the collections had resulted in more that 130 eggs being collected


Our family was on the  beach last night to watch the big turtles come ashore.

It started about midnight and continued until after 3:00 am.

Our grandson, Garrett, had the experience of helping the ‘turtle patrol’ collect eggs.

One big momma dug a hole about the size of your dinner table and about three feet deep.

Once she started laying the eggs,  the attendants allowed Garrett to reach in

the hole and retrieve the eggs.

She laid 101 eggs.

Once finished she returned to the sea.

The process took her about three hours.

It was neat to stand beside a big sea turtle.

The ‘turtle patrol’ would not allow photos to be taken.

They thought the flash would disturb them.

June 27, 2011

Just a glimpse of (wet) paradise

Filed under: Misc — Freddie Keel @ 9:04 am

It has been raining since Saturday night.

No sun for the sun worshipers

No calm sea for the scuba folks

Golf courses are too wet

Beach is undesirable


Filed under: Misc — Freddie Keel @ 6:29 am
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The flowers at our complex are just beautiful and they seem to be so healthy.












June 26, 2011

We need this weather in East Texas

Filed under: Misc — Freddie Keel @ 3:36 pm

It has rained most of the nite and all day.

It is gorgeous to see this much rain.


coconut pudding pie

Filed under: Misc — Freddie Keel @ 6:10 am

I few days ago, coconuts were harvested.

First, the ends were removed allowing us to drink the coconut juice.

Then they were sliced open to remove the coconut meat.

And finally, Glenda made coconut pudding pies using the few ingredients available.

And they were FABULOUS using the fresh coconuts.



June 25, 2011

This guy reminds me —–

Filed under: Buddies — Freddie Keel @ 6:52 am
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of some golfing buddies back in the U.S.A.

And you know of whom I speak!

June 24, 2011

Thought you might want a view of paradise

icon bottom right for full screen,,,  esc to return

June 23, 2011

my work is never done

It is the time of year to remove the coconuts from the coconut trees.  Some of the fruit is maturing and they might fall on someones head.

The work is so specialized that it takes someone like me with lots of skill and ability to crawl up the ladder to the coconuts.


It is pretty darn high but heights do not bother me.


And then it’s my task to haul’em off.



  1. Once when I was in Indinesia we traveled to an eating place where we had to travel on a jungle road. On the trip back a coconut fell on the car and dented the roof deep enough to bulge about 3 inches inside the car.

    Comment by cb75948 — June 23, 2011

  2. Glad to see you found your watch!! “SHOE”

    Comment by roger tom shoemaker — June 23, 2011

June 22, 2011

On The Bright Side – Mary Howell- June 22, 2011

Filed under: Mary Howell — Freddie Keel @ 6:07 am

Summertime is here!  It’s officially here! Most of us thought that it was here several weeks ago but according to the calendar, summer solstice began yesterday, June 21.


Summer solstice means that the earth is closer to the sun than any other time of the year.  More daylight has occurred on that day with the sun setting later than any other time of the year.  After summer solstice, the days begin to get shorter until the winter solstice occurs in December.


Summer solstice occurs in the northern hemisphere in June and December in the southern hemisphere.  Winter solstice occurs in December in the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere in June.


Our thermometers have already been above the 100 degree mark and I’m sure most of us wish we could be like the migrating birds and fly north for a few months.


We have several part-time Sabine county residents who do just that.  They spend the winter months here in Texas and the summer months in the northern states where it is cooler.


I remember a little commercial that said “in the good old days summertime, keep your radio on for more fun in the sun”.  But I think we need to keep air conditioners on to try to stay cool.


A bowl of homemade ice cream or a frosty glass of lemonade seems to taste better in the hot days of summer.


A splash in the swimming pool could be refreshing on a hot day.  An ice cold watermelon is a favorite summertime treat.


Rain seems to be scarce during the summertime months.  We need to join together in prayer for rain to come soon to bring relief from the heat.


Whatever keeps you cool, may it give you a day on the bright side.

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