Tadpole's Outdoor Blog

February 27, 2011

KJ at Cheer National Competition

Filed under: Family — Freddie Keel @ 8:04 pm

KJ and her Houston teammates competed in

a Inter-National Cheer Competition

this weekend in Dallas.

There were over 10,000 young folks participating

with teams from as far away as Japan.

They were disappointed with a second play finish.

Her grand parents thought she deserved 1st place.


February 22, 2011

hey guys, let’s build a tree swing

Filed under: Family — Freddie Keel @ 6:01 am

Our kids will remember a large pine tree in the back yard

that provided many hours of

entertainment and excitement.

At our new spot in Lufkin,

we have this big oak tree with the perfect limb for a swing.

Luke helps his dad pull an old fire hose over the limb.


then Luke decides, he can handle this job by himself


time to try it out, somebody push me!


now he is ready to fly


oh this is fun


just a swinging


February 21, 2011

tator planting time

Filed under: Family — Freddie Keel @ 6:32 am
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Grand-sons Brett and Luke helped plant two rows of potatoes.


Nanna carried the seed potatoes.

February 19, 2011

On the Bright Side – Mary Howell 2/16/11

Filed under: Mary Howell — Freddie Keel @ 11:18 pm

On The Bright Side

Mary Howell

MARY’S NOTE:  The following story by Neal Murphy was written about my grandmother, Mary Etta Thorp, who was born on February 22, 1883.  This story was just one of many stories which were published in Murphy’s book, Those Were The Days.



When a young man is about to propose marriage to his lady, it is important that the lady’s family is in agreement.  That was the situation in which I found myself in 1956 at age twenty.  I was attending Baylor University in Waco, Texas, but my love lived a four-hour drive away in Hemphill, Texas.  Every other weekend I drove my 1950 Chevrolet to East Texas to be with Clara, my future wife.  I certainly wanted her family, all of it, to approve of my being grafted into their family by marriage.

A situation arose in which Clara’s grandmother, Mrs. Thorp, found herself in Waco and needed a ride to Hemphill on the Friday afternoon that I was going to see her granddaughter.  Here was a chance to gain the approval of another member of her family.  I agreed to her riding with me.

Washing my Chevrolet made it look nice, and eased some of my nervousness.  I picked up Mrs. Thorp mid afternoon and we began what I hoped would be an uneventful journey to East Texas.  The fickle finger of fate, or Murphy’s Law, either, or both, decided that the trip would not be uneventful.

About one hour into our trip a tire blew out. How could this happen, I thought to myself as I struggled to replace the blown tire with the spare.  My spare did not get much attention, and I was surprised that it still had enough air in it to support my car.  Finally, we were back on the road again, my clothes a bit dirty.  I stopped at the first service station I saw and aired the spare fully.  I breathed easier now, and resumed the trip.  My passenger seemed unruffled about this event.

Still, I was not in the clear in trying to do my good deed.  About an hour later in our drive, another tire blew out suddenly.  This time there was no spare to bail me out of my predicament.  I was left to my own initiative to handle this crisis.  How I handled it would leave a permanent impression on Mrs. Thorp as to my abilities to care for her granddaughter.  Could I pass this test?

We were within a few miles of a small farm town so I decided to drive on the flat, slowly, until I found a tire store or service station.  The first business I saw was a Humble service station, so I limped onto the apron.  “Do you have any new or used tires in stock?”, I pleaded.  After checking his stock, the attendant announced, “Well, don’t have any used ones, but I have a new one that will fit your car.  You want it?”   I really did not want it, but I had to have it.

Now, the big question – how to pay for a new tire.  I checked my wallet to find around twenty-five dollars, not nearly enough.  I began to feel panicky.  Then I spotted a Humble credit card that my dad had let me borrow, just in case of an emergency.  Well, I felt this situation would certainly qualify as an emergency.

Back on the road again, this time with a new tire on the front.  Mrs. Thorp appeared to be taking all this in stride.  She will never ride with me anywhere again, I thought.  What an impression I must be making on her.  How could anyone be unlucky enough to have two, count them, two blowouts on the same trip?

Then it came to me, the answer to my question.  A few months earlier I had seen a tire shop that specialized in recapping tires.  For around twelve dollars one could take in an old, bald tire, and get a like-new retread.  I could not afford four new tires, so had all of them recapped.  They were supposed to be as good as new ones, I was told.  It never occurred to me that all those pieces of tires you see on the road came from recapped truck tires.  That should have been a clue.  Well, live and learn as they say.

The trip to Hemphill ended without further problems.  Mrs. Thorp was as happy to see her family as I was to see my young lady.  This unfortunate incident was never mentioned again, even at our wedding.  So, I assume that I passed the silent family test in spite of Murphy’s Law and the fickle finger of fate.

February 16, 2011

February 18, 2011

Tadpole Update

Filed under: Uncategorized — Freddie Keel @ 4:56 pm

Tadpole is doing better and hopes to be released tomorrow. Diagnosis is Type A Flu. All that stands between him and freedom are glass cutters and a hacksaw.

February 17, 2011

Day 2 – Still missing in action!

Filed under: Uncategorized — Freddie Keel @ 5:48 pm

Tadpole was moved from the ER to the Progressive Care Unit. He hopes to be home soon.

February 16, 2011

Tadpole is missing in action!

Filed under: Uncategorized — Freddie Keel @ 7:39 pm

Current location: Memorial Hospital of Lufkin
Departure: Hopefully sooner than later.

February 15, 2011

They’re still coming and we’re still catching’um

Filed under: Hogs — Freddie Keel @ 6:17 am
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It’s been a few days since I baited one of my traps.

The next morning we had a guest.


These two old men are straining to show you their pig.

February 14, 2011

Here’s what I’m thinking

Filed under: Family — Freddie Keel @ 7:01 am
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She graduated Salutatorian from high school

She finished college with Business Degree

Went to Law School and passed the Bar

and now unemployed raising chickens and goats

with a big garden.


I’m thinking she is one happy goat farmer

February 13, 2011

On the Light Side – Boating Accidents

Filed under: Fishing & Hunting — Freddie Keel @ 6:26 am
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I laugh at the following video and glad the camera was not on me during some of my boating mishaps.

– On a real cold April morning and dressed with heavy clothing, I was bass fishing with the trolling motor down and on a slow steady speed when I noticed a submerged log directly in my path.   I grabbed the rope to lift the motor out of the water, but not quick enough as the motor caught the log and pulled me head first into the cold water.  With my rod in one hand and the edge of the boat in the other, I slid upon the submerged log and rolled back into the boat.   Well fishing was over for that day.

– On a really cold windy day in January, I was unloading my boat.  When unloading by myself, I attach a rope to the boat and the other end to my trailer.   I’ll then back the trailer into the water until the boat floats, then pull forward with the boat in tow to the shore.  This day I must have been ‘brain dead’ as I attached both ends of the rope to the boat.  I backed the trailer into the water until my boat floated, pulled forward and the boat kept drifting into the water.  I jumped out of my vehicle, looking for another fisherman.  None in sight.  The only thing between my boat and the dam some eight miles away was a small peninsula jutting out in the lake.  My boat was rapidly floating toward the peninsula.  I found a long limb and ran to about where the boat would hit the shore.  Boy was I in luck, it was coming straight to me.  When it got about ten feet from shore and undercurrent must have caught it and it began to drift away.   Not choice but to take one giant step into the lake, hook the limb into my boat.  I said a quick prayer, thanking God for saving my boat.   I took the boot off that foot, drained the cold water and put it back on using a dry sock from the other foot and went fishing for a couple of hours in the 25* degree weather.   Did I feel dumb.  Thank goodness no camera on me.

– and over the years, backing the boat into the water with the plug removed.

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